Games online:
Online Games:
People or Cylons - which side you take? Choose your side in Battlestar Galactica Online, a free MMO-game from the company Bigpoint! Vorvites the speed of light in the Battlestar Galactica universe online in the cult television series in the style of science fiction! Here you can meet your favorite characters in the series, and you can complete the mission control and try to fly in the colonial ships - Viper, the Cylon ships of the fleet - the Raiders as well as hundreds of other futuristic vehicles. But before you rush into fantasy worlds Batlstar Galactica Online you will have to answer one basic question: who are you, or is it a Cylon Man and Battlestar Galactica to undergo the procedure to register.
Three global elements come together in a furious confrontation, heaven, hell, and earth, obitovanaya mortals. Yes, the idea is certainly not shocking originality, but it performed quite efficiently. And if you add on more to the quality and the fact that Russian developers still brought into it something new and interesting, and that generally the game will seem brilliant. We are discussing a gaming product, the game Blood and Soul. In dan multiplayer fantasy in the course is the story of how the sky has broken pots of Hell. As a result, the inhabitants of the other world have found a way to get to the ground, where they still live peacefully - good preying human race, and enslaved him. So and suffering humanity would muchilos the violent throes, if not for the messengers of heaven. Higher power sglyanulis over mortals, and sent them in a most wonderful elves and the ability to create protective artifacts. So in BS play very entertaining.
Dark Orbit - browser game fantasy themes, was developed and released by the studio Bigpoint GmbH in 2006, and today it has acquired thousands of fans around the world. The rapid growth of popularity contributed to the rapid release of localization and translation - the Russian version of the game has already started work six months after launch.
Grepolis online game - free multiplayer browser game in the historical genre of military-economic strategy, which is set in ancient Greece that fills the gameplay special flavor greatest Greek culture.
Online game Romadoriya is free browser game developed by Looki, which has established itself as one of the best creators strategies. Thanks to the hard work of the creators of the game turned out, which is really one of the best in its genre, and a player to be seen. Ramadoria online will allow each player to try to parent the great emperor and military leader. During the game, you need to be created from scratch his empire that the size can be comparable even to the legendary Roman, develop the economy, create a powerful army, with which to consolidate the best title of the emperor.
Rappelz Online - is a fascinating fantasy, with its beautiful graphics, interesting plot and well-designed combat system. Rappelz game designed by the renowned Korean company NFLAVOR and is free.
Game Stronghold Kingdoms Online - the upgraded version of the strategy Stronghold and Stronghold2, released by Firefly Studios in the genre MMORTS. Play Stronghold Kingdoms lovers will love this strategy, since the passage can not be called easy, which gives this product particularly acute and enables clear understanding of all the burdens of wars of the Middle Ages.
The West online game - free multiplayer online browser game that can bring into your life the spirit of boundless prairies and daring duels. The West game will teach any player that is hard everyday ordinary person in the Wild West.
Game Total Influence - in a sense, a unique representative of the genre of military tactical game with the property that now fans of turn-based military simulators can unite together, teleporting into a parallel dimension, where each of them has a chance to demonstrate their ingenuity, skill and patience in the struggle for the desired reward. That is, at last, came the time when we have the opportunity to play the Total Influence online!
Multiplayer online shooter WARFACE - is a game project by Crytek, which you have to beat at least hear them thanks to another well-known design - Crysis.WARFACE online game - a classic shooter, and so you have to run a lot, a lot of jumping and a lot of shooting.